ARKRAY GlucoCard 01 Sensor Plus Test Strips 50 count
ARKRAY GlucoCard 01 Sensor Plus test strips are for use with with the Glucocard 01 blood glucose meter to quantitatively measure glucose in fresh capillary whole blood samples drawn from the fingertips and alternative sites. GlucoCard 01 test strips require 0.3 µL sample size and deliver fast results in just 7 second.
The GLUCOCARD 01 Sensor Plus test strip could be the blood glucose test strip that you’ve been waiting for! The GLUCOCARD 01 Blood Glucose Monitoring System uses GlucoCard 01 test strips to measure blood glucose quickly and accurately. It automatically absorbs the small blood sample applied to the narrow edge of the strip.
The GLUCOCARD 01 incorporates high-end technology that is simple and easy to use. Auto code technology reduces the number of steps for testing, which can lead to fewer user-associated errors. A tiny 0.3-µL sample size, combined with a choice of palm or fingertip testing, makes obtaining a blood sample more comfortable. Featuring a 360-test memory with time and date stamp, the GLUCOCARD 01 displays accurate and precise results in just seven seconds.
- Fast, precise and simple to use
- 0.3 µL sample size
- Precise results in just 7 seconds
The GLUCOCARD 01 Sensor Plus Test Strip should be used only with fresh capillary whole blood samples. Do not use GLUCOCARD 01 Test Strips beyond the expiration date. This may cause inaccurate results. For detailed storage and usage information, refer to the GLUCOCARD 01 Test Strip package insert.
You may use the ARKRAY GlucoCard 01 Control Solution to check that the ARKRAY GlucoCard 01 meter and test strips are working correctly. It is important that you carry out this simple check regularly. For precise instructions please check the GlucoCard 01 Sensor Plus manual provided in the test strips box.
Great test strip system. Very hard to find. Glad to find here at a reasonable price