AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin Lancets

AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin Lancets 100 count 33G

AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin Lancets feature an easy, pull-off lancing cover, and thin gauge lancet tip for patient comfort when testing. AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin lancets are for use with AgaMatrix lancing device.

AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin lancets 100 count 33g, powered by WaveSense, are sterile, disposable devices used to obtain a capillary blood sample. The AgaMatrix WaveSense 33 gauge Ultra-thin lancets are one of the thinnest lancets available, which means that you’ll experience less pain when taking a blood sample. AgaMatrix Ultra-Thin lancets ensure that accurate blood samples can be obtained with any skin type, quickly, easily and consistently. The ultra-thin needle enhances user comfort and reduces tissue damage.


  • 100 count | 33 G
  • Ideal for micro sample meters
  • Sterile, disposable lancets
  • Ultra-thin
  • light weight, sterile and easy to use
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