FreeStyle Control Solution
The FreeStyle Control Solution is a desired aqueous glucose solution for verifying the accuracy of the FreeStyle Freedom, FreeStyle Freedom Lite, FreeStyle Lite and FreeStyle Insulinx meters and test strips. FreeStyle Control Solution is available in 3 levels as follow
The FreeStyle Control Solution ensures that your meter and test strips are working together properly. The product contains a known amount of glucose that reacts with the glucose test trips.
FreeStyle Control Solution is a red liquid that contains a fixed amount of glucose that is used to practice testing without having to use your own blood and ensure that meter and test strips are working together properly.
- Contains a known amount of glucose to ensure that meter and test strips are working properly
- Allows you to practice without using blood
- Allows user to perform quality control checks to ensure that the FreeStyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System is working properly and that blood glucose results are reliable.
- For use only with FreeStyle Freedom, FreeStyle Freedom Lite, FreeStyle Lite and FreeStyle Insulinx meters
When to Perform a Control Solution Test
The FreeStyle control solution can be used to verify that your Freestyle Glucose Monitoring system is working correctly and giving accurate results. The system is performing correctly if the control solution test result falls within the specific control solution range listed on your test strip vial. You are encouraged to use Control Solution on a regular basis, specially with each new vial of blood glucose test strips, after changing meter batteries, or if you suspect your meter is delivering false results. You should also use control solution before using your glucose monitoring system for the first time or if the test strip vial has been left open or exposed to extreme heat, cold or humanity. For further details please contact the manufacturer support.
Store your FreeStyle Control solution at 30-80 degrees F, Do Not Refrigerate, Discard after 3 Month After Opening, For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only.